
What is Kinzoku?
Kanaria Kinzoku is a simple website for claiming metal print posters of the original Kanaria custom art, given to Founder and Super Founder edition NFT owners.
What do I need to do?
Log in with your crypto wallet. The UI will show which NFTs from the list you own. Clicking on those will open a full view of the art with the option to claim the artwork. You will input your address, submit a blockchain transaction to formally register the claim, and be notified when your plate is shipped.
What is the difference between plexi and metal?
You can see the difference in this video or the image below. You can only claim one.

My NFT says "Claimed"!
It is possible you bought a Kanaria on the secondary market after its previous owner already claimed the artwork. This is unfortunate, but there's nothing we can do about it.
Why do I need to connect my wallet?
By using the blockchain, we make sure only the NFT owner can claim a plate and enter their address. The address is not stored on the blockchain, only its non-reversible hash, so your information is as safe as our shipping partner's database.
Can I ship to someone else?
You can ship anywhere. We will send it. If the package is not accepted what happens to it is anyone's guess.
I need help / feel unsafe / need to double-check things!
Contact Bruno on Telegram or X for validation / verification.